Oh, why hello there. It’s the first day of spring, and it’s finally starting to feel like we’re past the cold front. Spring evokes feelings of renewal, changes and… updates?
The Stairway to Heaven... or The CG Realm
It's like we bought a dog and were super pumped to raise it and show it off once it was grown and trained but then we found out that the dog purchase came with a cat. And a hamster. And three iguanas. And a horse. And a goat with insomnia... who needs a special staircase built just as a precaution. So the dog is getting a lot less attention than it deserves and so is everything else.
Workload Paralysis - What We're Doing... or Thinking About Doing
We're not just in Windsor any more, Toto.
Well, we do the whole shtick. We design the set, decor, puzzles, props, electronics including wiring diagrams, story line, clue system, room reset list. Basically everything anyone could need to build out a room outside of the physical materials which we will also source if needed. Boring answer? Well not to us, OK!?